Wednesday, August 17, 2005

People are strange

I am Portuguese. And, as the vast majority of Portuguese people, I have a kind of "love-hate" relation with Portugal.

I mean, Portugal is great! But, on the other hand, Portugal sucks!

When you live abroad, the way you see Portugal slightly changes. Not that you can solve completely this "love-hate" mess... but it changes. After three months of living in Brussels, I think Portugal is even greater and that it sucks even more!

When you live in Brussels, one of the obvious reasons to love Portugal is the weather. I've spent the last six weeks complaining about the rain and the cold and dreaming about the Portuguese summer heat and sunshine. Even if I know that I will suffer from the heat and will get sun burned since the first day I'll be in Portugal, I have to go there!

And I'll go tomorrow! Tomorrow, at this exact time, I will be sweating like in hell, driving a rented car without air-conditioning from Lisbon to Guimaraes, my beautiful home town.

The issue is that today Brussels offers us a beautiful blue sky and a quite warm sunshine... and I suddenly start to feel that I will miss Brussels...

I definitely need holidays!


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