Sunday, April 15, 2007

Roma Tre

This morning the Congress was supposed to close at 11am, which was really perfect as I had my flight at 2.25pm. When I left from the Hotel, a bit past 12.30pm, the discussions were still going on, which proves that the enthusiasm was kept all over the weekend… My journey back was via Hamburg. I had a short connection there, as it usually happens with Lufthansa flights, which is the reason why I like to take them. Everything seemed to be working well, until I arrived in Brussels… and found out that my luggage had been lost again! Don’t know if there’s something about Sundays 15th or if the firemen are somehow to blame… but it’s not nice! The good thing is that it was so hot in Brussels (28.5°C) when I left the airport that carrying a suitcase would have made me sweat like a pig! Not to mention the fact that I didn’t have the need of unpacking… Yet!


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