Saturday, May 05, 2007

Saturday in Brussels

Getting back to work after some days off, especially when they are spent in wonderful sites and in fantastic company, is never easy. This time, maybe because I was under the pressure of several meetings and the need to find a new apartment, or maybe because these days off felt so well, was even more difficult. But today it was the first Saturday since the end of February that I spent in Brussels not having work to do and, to be honest, it was quite productive. First of all, because I managed to stay in bed until 10h30, which lately has become a true luxury. Then, because I went to the real estate agency and it seems that I will manage, not only to get a new apartment, but also to stay in the neighbourhood, which was one of my main objectives. Moreover, I also went to the supermarket and was therefore able to fulfil some prominent needs that I had already identified and was about to start suffering from. And, finally, I spent the afternoon in the open air, under a bright and warm sun, not doing much, but still spending a quite pleasant time with people whose company I enjoy. Now, I’m getting ready to go out; even though I have to admit that this sofa seems to have a system that prevent whoever seats on it of standing up and walking away… I love it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

É bom saber que estás bem!

Não te esqueças de me dizer a nova morada, ok? Prometo que não apareço sem te avisar.


8:24 PM  

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