Believe it or not, I spent one entire week working in Brussels. I don't remember when was the last time I did so... Spending one entire week in the office is nice, as it allows for a better short-term planning and to get small things done. It is also useful, as it allows for face-to-face conversations and to spend time with people both in working meetings and in purely social moments. And, last but definitely not the least, spending the entire week in Brussels also allows me to take care of househusband stuff, see friends, and spend time enjoying the comfort of my sofa while watching good movies and new addictive series. Seating in front of the computer, writing a post at the end of another sunny day in which I was able to sleep until late in the morning, clean the flat and get things done at home and at the office, makes me feel good and in peace with myself and the others.
It wasn't an easy week though... Things have been easier in my professional life, and it definitely affects my personal life... maybe because I was never totally able to distinguish completely between one and the other... I don't take it as a negative thing, because I know that I need to be satisfied in one level in order to deliver up to what people expect from me in the other. I guess it happens to many of us. My problem is that people expect a lot from me... and I don't like to disappoint them. People who don't know me well sometimes think that I will or already gave up on things. But to give up is something that doesn't even cross my mind... When I want something to happen, I don't wait for it to happen: I make it happen. It has always been like this, and I don't want to change it now. It's not a matter of faith or karma or whatever one might call it: it's a matter of being determined and having the spirit to break through to the other side. I have that spirit. I don't do it to prove something to the others; I do it for myself. I do it because I can, and because I believe that if I can, I must do it. I get my motivation out of doing the right thing, and once I start doing it, I can't be stopped.
I believe that matters of small concern should be treated seriously... A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment; if one fully understands the present moment, there is nothing left to do, and nothing else to pursue. That's why I enjoy the moment!