Friday, October 05, 2007

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

This text was originally written last Tuesday. When I finished writing it and tried to publish the post, I found out that the storm not only left the CEULAJ without electricity, but also without any communications’ means… I therefore could not post it at that time, but decided to do it now.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but the truth is that in the last few months I've been experiencing a strange phenomenon: rain seems to follow me, everywhere I go. Brussels doesn't count, of course. But, really, I was in Greece in August and it rained; I was in Macedonia and, after two months of extreme hot and dry weather, it rained; I went to Zagreb, and the day I came there it started raining. Now that I think of it, even in the evening I was in Matsee, it rained. Today, I just arrived in Mollina and guess what... yes, it's raining... a lot! Such a heavy rain and big storm that the lights just went off! After such a perfect week with such a wonderful company, I wasn't exactly expecting sunshine... but all this rain is a bit too much! Hope that the participants of the University on Youth and Development don't find out that this is my fault...


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