The burials of Qana...
Ten years after history repeats itself. After the massacre in 1996, when 106 civilians that had searched refuge in a UN forces compound were killed by and attack of Israeli Artillery, once again civilians are victims of the never-ending conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.
The site of Jesus' first miracle, according to John's Gospel, turning water into wine during the marriage of Jewish disciples, is now the scenario of a nowadays tragedy: turning faith into blood...
The all powerful UN Security Council held an urgent session today, in order to discuss once again this conflict, now under the light of the shocking news of the Qana air raid. UN Secretary General expressed is deep dismay that UN calls for ceasefire were not heard.
I had the chance to see live earlier today the meeting of the UNSC, namely the intervention from Israeli ambassador, Dan Gillerman, when he accused Hezbollah of sacrificing their own people as human shields and as victims. We further mentioned that Israel deeply regretted the death of civilians, while for Hezbollah the death of any Israeli was a victory. Though he may be right in his argumentation, he forgot the bottom line: it's because of Israeli attacks that civiilans are dying and that the risk of killing civilians never prevented Israel from carrying out these attacks.
Finally the leaders of the world (apart from the US) are effectively pressuring Israel to the cessation of the hostilities.
We have a saying in Portugal that is "Better late than never". Unfortunately, it is already too late for the hundreds of lives, most of them of innocent people that constituted a token for the capture of two Israeli soldiers.
May Qana witness from today a new miracle: that of peace in Middle-East!

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