Thursday, May 31, 2007
Relocation complete!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

But Sunday was an historical day for other reasons too:
Pinto da Costa was elected for a new 3 year mandate as President of the club. Pinto da Costa first became President in 1982 and in these 25 years Porto was national Champion for 15 times and European Champion twice (1987 and 2004), besides many other national and international titles. Obviously, he was and will be re-elected as many time as he wishes...
Vitor Baia played what is likely to be his last official match. Baia debuted in Porto’s first team in 1989 (age 19), starting what is a brilliant career, as the best portuguese goalkeeper ever and one of the best in the world! He holds the record of the player with the highest number of titles conquered: 31 (6 more than Pele or Rijkaard, the next ones in the list). Besides, he is one of the 10 players that won all the European club titles (including the extinct Cup Winners Cup), being together with Stefano Tacconi the only goalkeeper in this list. Sunday, when he came into the pitch, the ovation was that of a club's heroe, that of a mythical player. And he got his 10th Portuguese Championship title…
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Visited countries: 51
YMCA - Part II
Apart from praising unity in diversity, Johan referred also to the fact that on Thursday it was the Norwegian Independence Day and could not avoid talking about the relationships between Norway and Sweden. For that he came back to the quotations of children that you might remember from my entry about his last year’s speech. The same group of children who said that Jesus came back from death three days later, full of mud and dirt, but in excellent mood.
“In 1905 the countries were divided in two erogenous zones, so that we should become better friends”
“It is so cool that Norway and Sweden were divided. In this way it is no longer one big boring country, but two small boring countries”
“At the end there was a war between Sweden and Norway. Luckily Sweden won, so that we could get rid of Norway”
“It is God who gave us Sweden, and it is God who did not want Norway”
Conclusion from Johan: “Earlier today I mentioned that if Jesus was Scottish, he would have made whisky from water, and on the west coast of Norway he would have made coffee from water. And furthermore, and now, Swedish friends, I decide to be humble, for a change, when I say that if, and I underline as strongly as I can, IF Jesus was Swedish he would have told the parable of the good Norwegian, something totally unexpected”!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Afternoon "Cha"
In fact, the custom of drinking tea was introduced in England by means of a Portuguese princess that became the queen consort of King Charles II of England in the XVII century: Catarina de Bragança (Catherine of Braganza for the English).
And it is easy to understand why: Portuguese had a major part of the tea commerce to Europe and tea was a common product for the nobelty and bourgeoisy. English adopted the habit and took it to another stage, that of a national custom and tradition. Such a strong one that Blair has recently mentioned his regret not to have done enough to promote the traditional British cup of tea during is term in office.
Going back to Catarina de Bragança, she had clearly a strong impact in Great Britain and in what was to be the Empire. As an example, the important and strategic port cities of Tangier and Bombay where part of her dowry, being transferred from Portuguese to British control. And the control of Bombay lead to the control of India later on. As an ending note, the area of Queens, in New York City, is also said to be named after her.
It is just curious that finally the British did not adopt the same denomination for tea as the portuguese, the one based in the cantonese name: Chá !
Monday, May 14, 2007
Absolut Stockholm
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tip of the Day (for you only)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
You better think about it baby
Monday, May 07, 2007
Une mauvaise idée ?
If so, will it endure the discussions on the EU Common Agricultural Policy?
Sunday, May 06, 2007
The Matrix
As it happens very often with trilogies, I think that the first movie is the best. In this case, it’s not so much about the story, or the performances or the special effects: I think it is basically because of the surprise. The Matrix introduced something new and therefore the impact was much bigger than in any of the sequels. But, all in all, the complete version of the trilogy remains a quite good story, with amazing special effects and a wonderful soundtrack. It’s undeniable that The Matrix trilogy is one of the most visually stunning exercises in the history of the movies, and that’s a good enough reason to keep it the list of must-see. But, actually, the reason I liked the movie so much when I saw it eight years ago, and I liked it even more when I saw the whole trilogy now, is because of its philosophical, almost religious elements.
Mr Anderson/Neo is an obvious reference to the Messiah’s Christian myth: Anderson (literally, the son of andros, the Greek word for man) becomes Neo (which means “new”, but is also an anagram of one, The One). And as if this wasn’t obvious enough, the first time we meet Mr Anderson, his client says: “You’re my Saviour, man! My own personal Jesus Christ!” At the end of the first movie, Neo resurrects and at the end of the trilogy he gives his life to save mankind. It doesn’t get any more obvious than that.
But, of course, there are also some references to other religious myths. For instance, the two levels of reality – the apparent world and The Matrix – are a clear reference to the Two Truths in Buddhism: the relative truth, in which everything is perception, and the ultimate truth, which is the way things really are. Breaking through relative true to direct contact with ultimate true is one of most basic Buddhist spiritual aims, referred to as enlightenment, or awakening. This explains the message in Mr Anderson’s computer screen: “Wake up, Neo!” which leads us to the fact that the person responsible for Mr Anderson’s awakening is called Morpheus, a clear reference to the Greek god of dreams.
But it’s not only about religion; it’s a lot more about philosophy. I think that the clearest reference is to Jean Baudrillard’s “Simulacra and Simulation”, published in 1981. Simulacra and Simulation is known for discussions of images and signs, and how they relate to our contemporary society, wherein we have replaced reality and meaning with symbols and signs; what we know as reality actually is a simulation of reality. The simulacra to which Baudrillard refers are the signs of culture and communications media that create the reality we perceive: a world saturated with imagery, infused with communications media, sound, and commercial advertising. These simulacra of the real surpass the real world and thus become hyper-real, a world that is more-real-than-real; presupposing and preceding the real. In this world apathy and melancholy permeate human perception and begin eroding Nietzsche's feeling of resentment.
A specific analogy that Baudrillard uses is a fable derived from the work of Jorge Luis Borges. In it, a great Empire created a map that was so detailed it was as large as the Empire itself. The actual map grew and decayed as the Empire itself conquered or lost territory. When the Empire crumbled, all that was left was the map. In Baudrillard's rendition, it is the map that we are living in, the simulation of reality, and it is reality that is crumbling away from disuse.
The Matrix makes many connections to Simulacra and Simulation: Neo is seen with a copy of Simulacra and Simulation at the beginning of the story, as he uses the hollowed book as a hiding place for cash and his important computer files. Also, when Morpheus is explaining what the Matrix is to Neo, he uses the phrase “Welcome to the desert of the real”, a direct reference to Baudrillard's work.
But if this is perhaps going too far, we can go back to the basics and remember the phrase in the kitchen of the Oracle: “Know Thyself”, the inscription which was above the entrance of the Delphi’s Temple Oracle.
One could go on and on, and mention, for instance, the clear references to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but I guess you already got the point: The Matrix is much more than the simple story of a reluctant Christ-like protagonist set against a baroque, MTV backdrop. And that’s why you should see it over and over again.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Saturday in Brussels
Friday, May 04, 2007
Souvenir from Baku...
PS: as a matter of fact, it's curious that this song, that will remain as a remembrance of our Azeri friends and of a religious tolerant Azerbaijan, belongs to an european (danish) group with origins in Africa and Latin-America, but mainly with different religious convictions (muslim and catholic).